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Jubilee Park Academy and Nursery


Our curriculum at Jubilee Park Academy has been designed to ensure that children learn to read fluently, understand extended comprehension, and be encouraged to read for pleasure.
These competences are developed through the range of reading genres they study in EYFS, KS1 and KS2, through our RWI phonics scheme, our reading overviews and in our ‘drop, everything and read’ sessions (DEAR). Our classrooms have a selection of quality reading books that have been specifically identified to develop reading for pleasure. Book recommendations are used daily to share our passion for reading. Our school library will be a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere for our school providing a large range of quality resources. Additionally, afterschool book clubs are planned to raise the profile of reading. 




At Jubilee Park Academy we aim to:

  • Deliver an engaging and exciting curriculum that helps develop a love of reading and inspires children to want to write.
  • Foster a love of reading by reading aloud, reading to each other and exploring a broad range of texts.
  • Become expert readers and give children time to read through reading lessons, drop everything and read sessions (DEAR), outdoor reading sheds and library visits both internal and external.
  • Ensure reading is enjoyable and stimulating.
  • Encourage children to be imaginative, and to bring this to their writing.
  • Provide children with essential skills in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and composition to support them with their reading skills.
  • Support children to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively.
  • To assess the pupil’s progress as a reader and provide explicit guidance for their development.
  • Use reading as a means of locating information that pupils need to learn.
  • Create a supportive environment for reading where enriched vocabulary and mini libraries are encouraged.
  • Ensure children have a secure understanding of phonics and confidently apply this to reading and spelling, enabling clear and effective communication skills.



The teaching of reading at Jubilee Park Academy is delivered through daily phonic sessions, following Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc in EYFS and Key Stage One and daily reading lessons in Year two to six. Children in the foundation stage and Key Stage One, develop phonological awareness and phonic knowledge following the Read Write Inc programme through daily phonics teaching.
In Key Stage Two, phonics is taught through tailored interventions by teachers and teaching assistants.
Through our reading lessons the children develop oracy skills and broaden their vocabulary choices, whilst deepening their understanding of an author’s voice through book talk and vocabulary sessions. In addition, children will deepen their reading skills through using the lenses of vocabulary, inferencing, predicting, explaining, summarising and sequencing, VIPERS taught to the children.



At Jubilee Park Academy we aim to ensure that our reading provision is clear and consistent to all our pupils. We endeavour to foster of a love of reading so that children enjoy a wide range of stories and books daily whilst at school and at home. We aim to develop a reading culture at Jubilee Park Academy and ensure reading is a priority for leaders, teachers, children, and parents.


Useful links:

Julia Donaldson's Top Tips for Reading | Oxford Owl

Images to Inspire - Once Upon a Picture

National Literacy Trust | UK Literacy Charity

Activities for 5-8 years | Words for Life

10 top tips for parents to support children to read - GOV.UK (